Website editor

Jardin Sonore Festival by Village 42 9 Jardin Fatima Bedar, 93200 Saint-Denis - France Village 42 is a SAS with a capital of 1000€ Siret :753 431 493 00034 - APE : 5911A

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The site accessible via the following URLs: is operated in compliance with French legislation. Use of this site is governed by these terms and conditions. By using the site, you acknowledge that you have read and accepted these conditions. These may be modified at any time and without prior notice by Village 42. Village 42 may not be held liable in any way for misuse of the service.

Editorial manager

Alexandre Langlais Jardin Sonore Festival by Village 42 9 Jardin Fatima Bedar, 93200 Saint-Denis - France


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Contact us

Jardin Sonore Festival welcomes any comments or suggestions you may have. You can write to us in French by e-mail at